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Steve R.

Software Developer

  • Hourly rate: R950 /hr
  • Experience: 34 Years

About Steve

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Got COBOL ticket 1987; Setup lans with Estimation Package in Construction Ind, {late 80's to mid 90's} ; Went on to VB & Sql / AcessDB; (wrote numerous Systems -incl. Facility Management {late 90's to mid 2010} ; Then moved to React stack with FireStoreDB and FullCalendar {late 2000's to mid 2010's} ; Lately am Tinkering in Unreal Engine 5.1 with Redis and MongoDB backend- integrated into IOT Biometrics with Arduino IDE, Python and React PWA (=Progressive Web App - one code base = all platforms) & Tailwindcss ; I spent 15 years in the Anglo American Corporate {= Team player 80 to 95} And currently enjoy working alone. Team work is performed in Perforce Helix core.

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