The skills I have gathered uptil now range from video-editing and videography, illustration, visual design and writing, to general labour, sales, running a market stall, working with organic farmers and angora goats. I have acquired these skills by having an open-minded, yes-attitude approach to life, seeing the potential in each situation I come across. This attitude, combined with an inquisitive nature, has greatly enriched my travel trips after university, allowing me the privilege of gaining spectular, varied life experiences and people skills. I would bring the following qualities to the work environment or team: - attention to detail and thoroughness, patience and accuracy - performing above the required level to complete the tasks at hand - amicability with a diverse client profile - professionalism and competency - adaptability Throughout periods of formal employment and practical experience trips, I have continued to produce a portfolio of creative writing and art projects, while doing freelance design on the side.