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Sakhi N.

Operational Management

  • Hourly rate: R20 /hr
  • Experience: 3 Years

About Sakhi

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and outlooks are far beyond reproach. On the account of my transcendent attitudes to succeeding, I believe that I can give improvements to companies with efficient contributions for the following reasons. -My interpersonal skills -My profuse skills in sale -My excellent communication skills -My 3 years of experience at Cape Peninsula University of Technology as an Operations Management student -My 6 months of experience at Weylandts Furniture Creations as an intern. -My 1 year 4 months of experience at Weylandts Furniture Creations as an Assistant Operations Manager. -My multilingualism -My undying ambition to win Given South Africa’s current volatile economy and recession within trade and manufacturing, I believe that this is an exciting time to be an aspiring Operations Manager. I also relish the National challenge and take it upon my shoulders to at least improve, if not correct this current economic slump. With the consideration of these sterling qualities mentioned above, I wish to pursue my studies further, while serving the company with distinction as an Assistant Operations Manager. Given my levels of extensive training, I know that the company value and ethics are perfectly paralleled with the goals I live by. This can be observed by the tenacious efforts used during the developments of properties, as sustainable green developments are always placed on a pedestal of high regard. I hereby attach my Curriculum Vitae with the necessary supporting identification documents here forward. I am available for an interview at any time.

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