Ms Molomo-Mphephu is a Mechanical Engineering professional with passion in physical asset management. She has over 24 years’ working experience, 16 of which were in management positions. She also has experience in multidisciplinary and multi-sites environments of the Engineering discipline in large corporate business environment and fairly understands the dynamics thereof. Among her workplaces, Ms Molomo-Mphephu worked for City of Cape Town Municipality where she held the position of Head of Section, providing strategic direction and leadership on a mandate relating to repair and maintenance of both water and wastewater infrastructure for the whole metropole. She also worked with water and wastewaster systems in Sasol and the Department of Correctional Services. Ms Molomo-Mphephu also invested time in researching factors relating to service delivery to the betterment of output from infrastructure and other resources used. On other fronts, Ms Molomo-Mphephu played different roles in the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMechE), including being a Chairperson of the branch and serving in the SAIMechE National Council. She also served Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) in various roles. On social responsibilities, she served in School Governing Body (SGB) of Sea Point High School both as member and later as Chairperson, and also as a member of SGB of Sans Souci Girls High School.