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Paul A.

HR Consultant

  • Hourly rate: R480 /hr
  • Experience: 39 Years

About Paul

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Paul Avenant - The management of Organisational Development, Occupational Health and Safety and Mine Health and Safety is his passion and knowledge and skills regarding Training and Development make him an employee of choice in any Sector. Paul is a provider of consultancy services in these fields. He holds a Training Management Diploma and HR Management Diploma (both at NQF level 6) from IAC. Consulting to different SETA’s, providing external assessments and monitoring of learning programmes. He worked with several other service providers from different spheres in designing training materials, facilitation of learning programmes and joint business ventures. Paul is a member of SA Personnel and Training Management. He has many years’ experience working with provincial and local authorities in many provinces and municipalities in South Africa. Paul ventured from the public to private sector in September 1996. His involvement in all aspects of skills development, from development, presentation to assessment of training courses, covering a diverse range of subjects, such as Project Management, Strategic Planning, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Organisational Development, Performance Management, Leadership Development and Policy Development. He currently heads the Organisational Development and Health and Safety Department at Cre8ive Organisational Development (Pty) Ltd with their Head Office in Bloemfontein. He is responsible and accountable for their South Africa and outside the boarder Organisational Development and Health and Safety strategy, processes and procedures. He is also a Director at Cre8ive Organisational Development (Pty) Ltd. Paul also specialised in Mine Health and Safety requirements. He obtained his SAMTRAC for MINING qualification. Paul also completed his Management Safety Training Certificate: (Occupational Health and Safety SAMTRAC) He also achieved competency in: Safety Training for Managers Safety Training for Supervisors Safety Training for Workers Safety Rep training He perform as Safety advisor for several opencast mines and quarries in South Africa. He developed a hands-on safety system to assist his clients in achieving legal compliance as per DMR requirements. Paul is a seasoned Mine Health and Safety expert. He was headhunted by an International company to implement a health and Safety Strategy in the company to ensure their Health and Safety compliance. Paul implemented a hands-on safety system that resulted in three consecutive full compliance Presidential Audits. The Senior DMR Inspector congratulated Paul in Person for these achievements. In 2015 the company went through a retrenchment process due to the fact that they have lost their Sierra Leone contract. Based on the principle of oldest employees first, Paul applied for a voluntary retrenchment agreement. The company agreed to the request based on the following: Paul was contracted for 12 months to become the Safety officer’s Mentor Paul had to visit their National Sites – (4) sites once a month for 5 days to ensure the maintenance of the Safety System as well as conducting Safety Audits to ensure that the Company adhere to the system Paul spend 10 hours per month with the safety Officer to ensure that the Mentee do show a full understanding of his responsibility The Company still make use of Paul’s Health and Safety knowledge and skills and use him often as their Safety Advisor of preference. Achievements  Deployed by the Minister of Local Government and Housing to the Northern Province to Head and implement strategies to ensure a fair and successful first Democratically Election in 1994.  Implemented cascading training strategy to develop all election staff regarding their roles and responsibilities. Strategy was approved and adopted as a national strategy in all provinces.  Appointed as the youngest Training Manager for Local Government Bodies, Heading the Training and Development Local Government Training Centre in the Northern Province, reported directly to the Director General of the Northern Province  Delegated to Advocate Paddy Room as advisor with regards to the development of the Skills Development Act.  Project leader with the implementation of the Sector Education and Training Authority structuring  He leaded (3) three successful DMR presidential Audits on (4) four different Opencast Mining sites in the Northern Cape Province.  He also aligned (6) six Quarry sites in the Eastern Cape Province to comply to the Eastern Cape DMR Mine Health and Safety Requirements.  He stopped a Quarry activity in Mthatha based on non-compliance as they had a huge oil spillage that contaminated the water as well as the material that was on order for a road building project. This was reported to the Environmental Inspector in the Eastern Cape. Paul was congratulated by the DMR for his informed way of dealing with this problem.  Paul is also involved as Training and Development advisor for a Road Construction Company, Sirobi Civils, with approved tender allocation worth R (***)-***-****-00.

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