A highly experienced Senior Manager, with combined work experience spanning over 20 years. Morne Scheepers’ career has seen him in key roles of Site Manager (current – Afghanistan), Regional & Branch Manager, Workshop Manager and Sales Manager. He is known for innovating and positively impacting operational leadership in his control. Across his career Morne has served on behalf of leading industry giants such as; Tiger Wheel & Tyre (Automotive) and AMS Global Integrated Solutions (International Logistical Support to National Government Services). He achieves targeted success through strategic thinking, commercial insight, focused business planning, and inspirational people leadership. Morne is now poised to assume a position of increased responsibility, offering critical intelligence across the areas of Regional, Site, Sales or Workshop Management, and supporting the organisation in achieving objectives for sustainability and growth; by ensuring that all programme / project results are achieved on-time, within budget and to specification.