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Jade E.

Virtual Assistant

  • Hourly rate: R250 /hr
  • Experience: 12 Years

About Jade

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As an advanced hybrid corporate professional able to adapt to a new working environment, experienced in projects and consulting work. Having a combined skillset has lead to being a multifaceted specialist committed to continually improving my abilities. Focusing more on contributed value than hours worked. I am a dedicated and technically skilled business professional offering versatile operational and project management skills and advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office programs. Strong planner and problem solver; works independently and exceeds expectations while also being able to juggle multiple priorities and meet tight deadlines, without compromising quality. * MS Excel Advanced (2016) * Project Managment (2017) - Stellenbosch Business School * MS Power Business Intelligence (2017) * Management Development (2018) - GIBS Business School * MS PowerPoint Advanced (2020) * Data Analysis (2020) - UCT

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