I am a full stack developer with extensive experience in the following libraries/frameworks: Flutter, Ionic, Nativescript for mobile development - including PWA Angular, Reactjs, typescript, javascript, html, css, jquery, firebase (with functions) for web development VSCode, eclipse and Intellij ide Java, scala, kotlin for backend development Spring, vertx backend frameworks Mysql, microsoft sql, mongodb databases (both design and development) Other experience: Kafka, hadoop, ssl, jwt, oauth2, kerberos, big data, zeppelin, jupyter notebooks, hive Docker, kubernetes, swarm, openshift, rancher Streamsets, apache spark Deep learning: Python ANN, CNN, RNN, GAN, lstm, transformers, re-enforcement learning, recommendation engines NLP for voice assistants (ASR & TTS) , sentiment analysis, stock trading, translation Object detection and face/car recognition with CNNs.